Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Holiday Break Fun

Although it is nice for students to have a brain break, your child may find that after several days off they are bored and have nothing to do!

This website offers a lot of fun ways you and your kids can keep the learning alive over the break!

Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Did you know light is either emitted or reflected? Today we got to experiment with materials that are good for reflection! Some of us were shocked with our findings.

Christmas Concert

We have been busy practice our song for Christmas concert and can't wait to share it with you on the 17th!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Grade 5- Gases

Today in class we burnt paper towel to underhand how a gas has no shape or volume! We trapped the smoke inside a jar so we could observe what happened when it was released! We also used balloons to show how we use gas for everyday ideas 

Ray of Light

Today grade 4s learned that light travels in a straight line called a ray. Our challenge was to use light rays to 'hit' the bullseye. We also experimented with light traveling through solids,liquids and gases. 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015


Today grade 5 students experimented with liquids. They learned that a liquids volume is always fixed and that it will always take the shape of its container. 


Grade 4s have been learning about the difference between artificial and natural light. Today they showcased their learning by drawing a scene that included both types! 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Math at Home - Fun with Fractions

Help your child be successful by showing them the value of math concepts in their every day life! 
Fraction can be particularly aggrivating because they involve multiple levels of thinking. There are ways, however, to help children begin to understand fractions. If children first understand the idea that a fraction is made up of parts from a whole, it’s going to be a lot easier for them to tackle the basics of fractions.

Here are three ways to use food to teach fractions. Why food? Children love food. Food is something that they come into contact with more often than almost anything else. 

Fraction Concept Food #1: Pizza
Pizza (or any other round food, such as cake or pie) is easy for children to understand using “whole” and “parts.” Why? Because we divide them up anyway.  Have pizza for supper one night and talk your child through the division of wholes into parts as you create them.
Fraction Concept Food #2: Chocolate Bars

Hershey’s chocolate bars are a good way to introduce fractions because they are easy to share amongst a group. Hershey’s bars are nicely divided up already into neat little rectangles so they’re easier to break up evenly.
Fraction Concept Food #3: Baking
What kid doesn’t like to make cookies or cupcakes or cake or pie or other delicious little goodies? There’s great incentive in this lesson, as the child gets to eat her work as a reward. Show the child your measuring cup(s). Begin with one whole cup. Help them understand that all the other cups are based on this one measurement. From there, you can explain that all other measurements will be measured by how many pieces this cup is divided into.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Read to Someone

It doesn't happen often, so when it does the students are ecstatic! Read to Someone is part of out Daily 5 and Guided Reading routine and helps students building fluency.